The Evangelistic Outreach of Minister Kathy Borders

Picture of Kathy Borders

Kathy Borders

Learning Through Tough Times

When times get tough, we often tend to wonder why. We may even ask questions like, why is this happening to me? Sometimes we don’t get an answer. However, scripture gives us a foundation from which to view difficulties.  God’s word tells us that we live in a fallen world full of sinful people. So much so that even the redeemed are not exempt from trouble.

As believers, we must remember that God will sometimes use our troubles to accomplish his good works.  Sometimes, God also uses those trial and troubles as a way to correct us when we stray. Trials and tribulations also teach us to fully rely and depend on God. We learn to trust that he will supply all of our need. (Phill. 4:19)

When we understand these things about God, we can begin to look at adversities as a reminder of His unwavering love for us. The difficulties will also push us to know Him in an even more intimate way. So, whatever the reason for your trial, remember if He has allowed it, something about it will work for your good. (Romans 8:28)

Psalms 119 65-72

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