The Evangelistic Outreach of Minister Kathy Borders

Picture of Kathy Borders

Kathy Borders

Satisfied With God’s Word

We have all had spiritually dry seasons. We sometimes desire a renewed relationship with God. We will try reading the latest devotionals that people talk about. We may even buy new worship music or attend spiritual conferences to reconnect or enhance our growth.

These methods may temporarily help but they are not infallible. They might provide some short lived solutions but could also simply be ear ticklers. To be strengthened and reconnected to Christ, it’s essential that we start with His word. It is the only source of absolute truth. While other Christian resources can be helpful, they become more valuable when used as building blocks on the trustworthy foundation of God’s word. Anything that is not the word of God, has the potential for human slant.

Some believers see the Bible as a big book that takes too much time and effort to understand. Because of this, they look elsewhere for answers. They want a shortcut to a true relationship with the Father. God’s word is his love letter to us. Use it as your source of satisfaction to develop an intimate relationship with him.

2 Timothy 4:1-4

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