The Evangelistic Outreach of Minister Kathy Borders

Picture of Kathy Borders

Kathy Borders

True Christians

The most important issue we must settle is where we will spend eternity. Many churches are filled with believers and nonbelievers. Sometimes it is difficult to tell the difference. John wanted to assure the true Christians or believers of their salvation and warn those who professed belief but lacked a saving faith.

One must have a right understanding of Christ and salvation. We must read the true gospel and the only savior described in the word of God. We must have the right attitude toward sin. True believers hate their sin and are quick to confess and turn from it. We must also be consistent in our obedience to God and his word, God’s commands are not a burden to those who belong to Him. Although we all come short sometimes, the overall choice is to live a life of obedience. As true believers, we must display love for our fellow believers and even those who do notyet believe. They will know we are his disciples by how we show His love.

If you are not sure about your salvation, reading the book of I John will give you clarity.

I John 5:9-13


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