The Evangelistic Outreach of Minister Kathy Borders

Picture of Kathy Borders

Kathy Borders

Follow the Spirit

How many times have we been told to told someone to follow their heart? I know I’ve said this many times and been told this more times than I can count. That is very misleading advice.  Why would I say this?  The scripture says. “The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick.” (Jer. 17:9) Instead of trusting a sinful heart, what we really need is a clean heart.

God sent His only son to die on the cross and pay the penalty for our sins. That was the only way we could get forgiven and be offered a clean heart. We are set apart for God’s use through Christ. We are adopted into his family and filled with His Spirit.

Because of our new heart, we are now able to live a righteous and obedient life through Christ. With our new heart, let us now rely on the Holy Spirit to help us live a Godly life.

Psalm 51

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