The Evangelistic Outreach of Minister Kathy Borders

Picture of Kathy Borders

Kathy Borders

Living Through The Silence

There are times in our life when God is silent. We long to hear from him but it seems our petitions have gone unanswered.  We then began to feel unsure of what to do and what to think. We began to question our prayers and question whether or not God is hearing them.  We may want to take matters into our own hands. We may even start to doubt and become angry with God.

Even though these are normal feelings and responses, we should do all we can in our power to reject them. Scripture teaches us to push forward in prayer (Luke 18:1) and depend fully on the Lord for our all of our needs. ( Phil. 4:19)

Job was frustrated during the silence of God. His story offers encouragement. It reminds us that even if the Lord is silent, He still knows the way we take and the trials we face. The more we hold onto His word, the more closely we will obediently follow Him.  We don’t always know what the Lord is doing in heaven, but we do always know He is working on our behalf.

JOB 25

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