The Evangelistic Outreach of Minister Kathy Borders

Picture of Kathy Borders

Kathy Borders

Jesus, Our Righteous Judge

The Bible describes judgements. There will be one for those who have a relationship with Jesus Christ and one for those who don’t. For those that do believe, judgement is an evaluation of the person’s life.

This may sound alarming, but we can find comfort in the fact that Jesus is our righteous judge.( John 5:22) We can trust the one who laid down His life for our sake. He brought us into God’s family and intercedes for us faithfully. Jesus will evaluate our life according to what we’ve done (2Cor.5:10).  Because He has already bore the punishment on the cross, our judgement has to do with rewards, not chastisement. (1Peter 2:24)

Christians can look forward to a new body that will never experience pain or death. The best part is that we will enjoy the presence of Jesus forever. Those who have a right relationship with Jesus do not have to fear judgement, because we can trust our judge and his intentions towards us.

2 Corinthians 5:6-10


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