The Evangelistic Outreach of Minister Kathy Borders

Picture of Kathy Borders

Kathy Borders

Growing Faith thru Growing Pains

God’s desire is that we grow in faith as we walk with Him.  Faith is not merely a one time event that happens when we are saved.  Faith is a continuous, consistent way of life. The longer we live, the stronger our faith and confidence in Christ should become.

Through difficult times, our degree of faith in the Lord is stretched.  Our thoughts, attitudes, prayers and behaviors can be reflections of our level of faith in God.  Our trials often reveal how much we truly trust Him. When we suffer loss, or face afflictions, do we see the greatness of our heavenly Father? Or, do we merely see the suffering and impossibilities?

When the word of God is the foundation of our thoughts, we’ll find that in our most difficult times, His love, wisdom and sovereignty will become our focus. Through our adversities, our confidence in Him will grow and we’ll find ourselves depending on Him more. When we allow this to happen, the difficulties won’t shake us as easily and His peace and joy will guide and guard our hearts and minds.

2 Thess 1:3-5

James 1:2-4

Romans 5:3-5



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