The Evangelistic Outreach of Minister Kathy Borders

Picture of Kathy Borders

Kathy Borders


God wants a personal relationship with us and communication to everyone, even those who deny His existence. However, when he doesn’t speak audibly, many people, including believers are not aware that He’s so relational.

For those of us willing to hear, God’s voice can be discerned through many sources. The most obvious source is through the Bible. He can also call to us through the spoken or written word of other Christians. He also speaks to us through circumstances and life’s situations. We would be surprised if we knew all the ways the father tries to get our attention.

When God calls, He speaks into our heart and mind through the Holy Spirit. In this way, He communicates specifically to each of His children. That’s why 2 people can hear the same sermon and verses and receive totally different applications and revelation.

Set aside time daily to really listen for Him. Spend time in the scriptures. Talk to Him in prayer and listen for his voice in throughout the day. He wants to talk to you.

Psalm 85:8


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