The word says in Mark 16:17, “Miraculous signs will shall follow those who believe.” Why is the present body of Christ not seeing these? Could there be a shortage of believers? We are becoming church attendees but not believers in Christ and His word. We see reports from third world countries where all they seem to have is a strong faith and a belief in God. We have been bombarded with so many distractions and material items that our faith and level of belief has dwindled. We believe little because we see little. We see little because we have little faith.
If we see few wonders of God in the midst of his people and through his people, shouldn’t we wonder why? Is God not willing to show up miraculously in our lives? Today we are surrounded by a dying and depraved world. There is violence, the threat of mass destruction, disease and a government in disarray!! These things alone should have us running to God and taking refuge in the promises in His word. (psalm 91) We need Him to show Himself might in the world we live in today.
Habakkuk 3:2 “Lord I have heard of your fame. I stand in awe of your deeds. O Lord. Renew them in our day, in our time make them known.” Believe that God can. HE is still in the miracle working business. He just wants some believers to activate the miracles.