The Evangelistic Outreach of Minister Kathy Borders

Picture of Kathy Borders

Kathy Borders

Keep Talking

Have you ever met someone with a closed mind? They are not open to believing the word of God or anything else for that matter. These type of people can make you want to keep silent.  They sometimes make you want to throw up your hands and forget about sharing God’s word. These people sometimes can’t see their need for a Savior. What should we do? Keep Talking.

Responses to the gospel will vary. Some are quick to respond in faith while others resist. Those who reject Christ may respond with polite gestures or with aggressive rhetoric. We may even wonder if God’s  message of salvation can penetrate those who have closed minds. Keep Talking.

The Holy Spirit is still working thru us to bring all people under conviction. So we must…Keep talking.

Acts 26:1-20





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