The Evangelistic Outreach of Minister Kathy Borders

Picture of Kathy Borders

Kathy Borders

Are you Ready?

No one knows when their last breath will be their last breath. No one knows when last night will be your last night. Because we don’t know God’s timing, we should make sure that we are ready for Christ to receive us unto himself at any given time. Let us make sure that we are preparing for the return of Christ. As believers, we should not become comfortable in this world. We must remember that this world is not our home. At any given moment, the father could call our name and in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye receive us unto himself.

Secondly, we must also know that death is a way of life for the believer. To be absent from the body(physically dead) is to be present with the Lord. (spiritually alive in our glorified body) While death is difficult, death is a guarantee. The question is, are we ready?

Matthew 24:36


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