The Evangelistic Outreach of Minister Kathy Borders

Picture of Kathy Borders

Kathy Borders

Help Me Grow Up

How can I grow as a Christian? What more can I do? There is no secret to spiritual maturity. The true key to having a matured heart comes with developing a consistent relationship with God and His word. When you truly understand who He is and how much He loves you, it causes your desire for Him to grow stronger.

The Lord called David “a man after God’s own heart’. (Acts 13:22) How could God value him so highly? David had some major issues.  He certainly had his share of mistakes, sins and character flaws.  However with all of his shortcomings, he sought to know the Lord. Whether he was a shepherd, a fugitive warrior or powerful king, he wanted to know who God was and grow in him.  David’s greatest strength was his desire to do the will of the Father.  In psalm after psalm, you could see David’s heart mature and turn more and more towards his heavenly father.

Do you want to grow spiritually? Come before the Lord and allow Him to have full access to your heart.

Read Psalm 27


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