There are some people who will not accept the invitation of Christ because they feel they have messed up too bad. The feel as if their sins are so bad, that God would never want to save their soul, That is so far from the truth. I love the hymn, amazing grace how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. We were all wretches undone, but while we were yet in our sins, He died for us. (Romans 5:8)
Jesus came to save sinners. So if you are a sinner, His grace is available to you from salvation. God’s grace comes to those who acknowledge their sin and see the need for salvation. It doesn’t matter how vast your sins are, God’s grace is greater. You can either be condemned by your sins or turn to Christ. The choice is yours. If you accept His gracious salvation, God may even use your past as a witness so that other sinners can be saved.
I Timothy 1:12-17