The Evangelistic Outreach of Minister Kathy Borders

Picture of Kathy Borders

Kathy Borders

God Our Helper and Protector

No man is an island.  No matter how strong or smart we are, there will be times in our life that we need help. God is ready, willing and able to help us. (Psalm 46:1)  It matters not what the situation is God will help you. He is simply waiting on us to look to Him. (Psalm 121)

There are other times when we need protection. God is ever present and will keep us from all hurt, harm and danger. We may need protection from enemies or sometimes it’s protection from ourselves. Whatever our needs are, we serve a God that can handle them all. We have not because we ask not. If we are living for him, he delights in giving us what we need. (Psalm 84:11)

God is our helper and our protector. Cry out to Him and He will answer,

Psalm 91


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