The Evangelistic Outreach of Minister Kathy Borders

Picture of Kathy Borders

Kathy Borders

A Generous Savior

How generous are you? As we approach the holiday seasons, there will be many opportunities to show our generosity to friends and loved ones. Will you also be generous to strangers and too people who may not have been cordial to you? Will you only be nice to the ones who are nice to you?  Generosity isn’t measured by how much we give. It’s measured by the heart in which it’s given.

God the father set the generosity bar extremely high when He gave His son Jesus. Jesus himself was characterized by selfless giving.  He gave himself as a servant. He gave himself as a sacrifice. Lastly, He gave himself as a savior.

What are you giving today? How are you giving today?

Read Philippians 2:5-11


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