The Evangelistic Outreach of Minister Kathy Borders

Picture of Kathy Borders

Kathy Borders

Stop Being A Fan & Get On The Team

The anointing has an attracting power. The anointing has drawing power. Many people will come because of the anointing God places on and in our lives. In this season, be careful of people who will try to connect to you but are not committed to the call on you. You can’t afford to have committed people that are not connected. They are committed to show up but not connected enough to do any work. No more fans in the kingdom.  We need some more participants to get in the game.

Luke 9:62 Jesus said, “Anyone who puts a hand to the plow and then looks back is not fit for the Kingdom of God.”

Make sure you are not just a fan in the stands. When fans come to sporting events, they make a lot of noise from the stands. However, they are not in the game. Only the people on the teams can actually score the run, kick the filed goal or make the 3-point shot.  Join this great team with Jesus! He already chose you by inviting you when He died! Will you accept the invitation!

I’m on his team and all we do is WIN! As a matter of fact, HIS TEAM IS UNDEFEATED!



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